Another one year, again
Few hours more, we'll jump to the next year! Yep, time to say goodbye to amazing 2013, and let's welcome hopeful 2014 ^_^ 2013,..a fantastic year i can say. A year full of adventure and learned little by little to be a "mature". Sudah merasa dewasa??? Belom juga sih, little by little i said. It's still long way to go...and i can say that i enjoy it. credit image : So..the highlight was.... * Jalan Jalaaaaan!! Yes, taun ini saya termasuk kategori "rajin" jalan-jalan. Seperti terlihat di postingan-postingan sebelumnya, taun ini hampir sebagaian besar isinya adalah cerita jalan-jalan. Ada beberapa yang gak sempat diposting karena berbagai alasan, eh bo'ong ding...alasannya cuma satu : MALES -____-