
Showing posts from January, 2013

Segoro Anakan : The Trip

  credit image : we come in another weekend :D. Ini cerita seminggu yang lalu. Yap...saya mbolang lagi sodara-sodara. I said 'lagi', karna dalam seminggu kemaren saya jalan-jalan dua kali dengan tema yang hampir sama, jalan KAKI ke pantai :D..sedaaap!! (lets say 'Hi' to kakiku yang merengek minta istirahaat T_T). Trip yang pertama sukses dilaksanakan sehari sebelum pergantian taun, yes, we meant to commemorate the new year. Emang sengaja gak pas taun baru, soalnya pengen merasakan suasana "pantai serasa milik sendiri". Pesertanya?

An-One Year- Journey

Yep, 2013!! woooohooooo and finally i'm succeed with 27 posts along 2012, absolutely that's under the target which is i wanted made more than 30 posts like the previous years...that's proved enough that i've gone lazier along the past year -_____- The amazing 2012,..let's call it a year- journey....a fast journey but felt so slow sometimes. A full of hope and spirit but made me tired sometimes. Met many new people, visited new places, done and gone through many things.  credit image : Love & Life I try many efforts to give up my hopes and my feeling on him, watch funny Kpop shows so that i can laugh as hard as i can, visit many places during vacation, being busy with my works, meet new people and didn't meet him along the year. It helps much, really..