i'm not your mum T_T
few days ago i got a phone call from my best friend trrrriiiiing...triiiing....triiiing i picked it with full enthusiasm me: Halo, Assalamu'alaikum.. caller: Haloo...(a cute child's voice) me: (aaaah...^_____^ it's my friend's niece's voice, Lala~) me: adek Lalaaaaaaaaaa~...Halo...adek Lalaaaaaaa~~ (full of spirit and cuteness voice..kekekeke) caller (Lala): Haloo...buk....Ibuukk...Halooo...Ibuuuk.. (she keep calling me with 'Ibuk' -___________-) me: T_T (aaaah...my cuteness going into vain) did my voice really really resembles her mum???? T_T oh Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo >.<